• January 18, 2025

Thulobharyang Yatayat Likhit Result | Written License Exam Result

If you have recently taken the written examination (likhit) for a driving license in Nepal and appeared at the Yatayat office in Thulobharyang, we can help you with checking your results in this article.

Here’s how you can view your written exam results for a driving license in Thulobharyang:

Visit the official website of the Department of Transportation Management (DoTM) at dotm.gov.np.

Use the subdomain ktmlc1 for the site. Simply type https://ktmlc1.dotm.gov.np/ in your web browser.

Once you’re on the website, look for the section labeled “Suchana ra Gatibidhi” (Information and Notices).

Click on the date on which you appeared for the smart driving license written examination at the Yatayat office in Thulobharyang.

By following these steps, you will be able to access your likhit examination results for a driving license in Thulobharyang.

Yatayat karyalaya thulo bharyang contact number

If you want to contact Yatayat Thulobharyang, the number is 01-5249118

Thulo Bharyang Yatayat Facebook

If you are searching for the facebook page of “Yatatyat Thulo Bharyang” , we will be guiding you.

Goto Facebook and type “Thulobharyang Yatayat License Office” in search box.

Also, alternatively, you can type /lcthulo.gov.np in the username in facebook url

Or, you can directly follow the following link and get access of facebook page of Thulo Bharyang Yatayat Office.


Thulo Bharyang Yatayat Location

If you are willing to visit the office of transportation management at thulo bharyang, just follow following link
